So.....what? hello hello to friends near and far and farther. I've decided to post some pictures of life's recent events, to share the good story of love and adventure and children and people with all of you. Today, on this rainy and brightly cloudy day in Georgia, I am knowing that God truly is
good. i know today that no matter where I go, or who I go there with, that the constant Spirit of our Father is near us always, teaching us of His ways in silence and in peace. I am learning greater of contentment that is not defined by circumstances and of community that is not defined by proximity. Although I struggle still, I am seeking with eyes that want to know all people as brothers and sisters, to deeply be content with all His children as community. So here the sharing goes...
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saying a goodbye for now to rach and jon, our SOKO friends who are sooooo kewl. Orenmanida. |
I said goodbye to two good friends headed to South Korea for the year. They've left only a few short weeks ago and already my heart longs to know them again at those places that we all knew so well. Missing already our dear Istanbul and those familiar rooms at the bungalow and eating out of the same bowl. "Commmuniitttyyyyy!!!!!" You. Two. So dear to us all. We are already missing you and thinkin of you walkin those tea fields and eatin that kim chi and reminding us from so far away what it means to live life alive and free. We said goodbye, for at least a year, and maybe more. Who even knows...Rachey might have a little vineyard-Hill babe by the next time we see them (too soon for that joke or what??)
The Bungalow and its big and bright and comforting red front door. Surely, a house of peace. To all my sisters still hangin around that sweet place, peace and love to you all. |
I'm missing this place so much these days, and will I guess for a long time, and maybe forever. This was the place where the good gift of community was handed to me by the most delicate hands at a time when I was needing the great peace and silence of Jesus. To all of you who shared life with me there, I am holding you near in my heart these days as the definition of community is still changing and growing within me. I owe you all my life for teaching me so patiently about the honesty and difficulty and joy and truth of living a common life together. I've come a long way my friends....I may still use your toothbrushes, but I have learned how not to vomit my crap all over your spaces. (the cave was my greatest teacher)
A funny, funny child. |
On Friday nights in Clarkston, there's something called "Friday Night Game Night." Now, previously in life, I have tried to stay far, far away from things resembling camp and camp-like activities, and while this game night is actually not an exception to that, I feel like its a place where I can learn to get out of myself and the annoyances I wish I did not have. These two girls in this picture have already done just that for me. Candy Ree, who lives with Sage in the Lakes here, is the spunkiest little thing I ever did see. She could make anyone feel like loved in the best kind of way. Eh Wak, the dear child, was glued to me like sticky rice (bad joke, yes but ive eaten so much of it here!!) I am knowing here that even when you think you have spent and wasted all your energy and capacity to show love, there is still more there, in the light within the darkness.
Candy Ree from Karen State and Eh Wak from Sudan. My friday night game night friends. |
The laundry mat at Indian Creek Apartments |
This is a real thing. Many, if not all, of these refugees are coming from places that do not know or use or even care about modern appliances. The washers and dryers and dishwashers and microwaves go unused in many of these places. Instead, the bathtub is used to wash and the bushes are used to dry. I'm starting to think...that's the way it should be, right? Mom, do not be concerned if I come home to visit and begin dunking all my clothes in the tub and lying them in the driveway to might just be the better way :)
this kids in our house and some neighbors. |
The kids here, I can't even say in words how good and pure and precious they all seem to be. Kids are kids everywhere, and I know that they still can be what all kids are capable of being, but they too are different. They can sit for hours, resting in the contentment of one toy instead of 20, and will eat anything put in front of them. I keep telling people here that i will never be content again with an American child (except maybe my niece and nephew). I will just have to follow through on either a) adopting many foreign children, b) raising my children in a foreign country, or c) marrying a refugee man.
Person number 10 on lice removal day. |
This story is worth an entry all by itself, but I am so over lice that I cannot give them what they deserve. Last Monday...we pulled into our complex to see Baw Baw picking thru Heth a Pleh's hair...come to find out, not only does everyone in her family have lice, but everyone in our family does also. No attempting to meet our new friends in the middle between Lice as a very big problem if not taken care of and Lice as no problem at all when living in a refugee camp with no other alternative but to live with it and let the bugs do what they will, there were many misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Many patient moments and translators later, Erin cleaned our apartment top to bottom and I spent ten hours de-licing everyone. We are still walking down this adventurous road...with our last treatment planned for tomorrow. I am now a lice professional and have a skill that many people cannot boast about. I am thankful in some kind of way for this.
Zach, our only american friend in our complex. |
It is good here to know other Americans who have the same vision and are seeing with the same eyes as us. Zach is a good man who has and is dedicating so much to the family he is living with and to this community.
Yes, Baw Baw's hair almost touches the ground. And yes, she did have lice. oh. my. goodness. Also, Pag a Phoo Bleh, the child whom I wish had come from my own womb. |
This is the child that I want as my own. I tell Baw Baw every day, "I'm going to steal Pag and never bring her back. She's my baby now." Interestingly, Baw Baw does not seem opposed to the idea ( I owe it to four children and one on the way.)
Protest for Troy Davis in downtown Atlanta, a deathrow inmate in Jackson set to be executed tomorrow night. He is innocent. |
This is a story worth knowing. You can go here for more details.
In this, I am deeply thankful and aware that all we can do most days is to offer a little hope where we can. It may not be much, but it's all we can do.
Gloria, the most beautiful of them all. |
Our neighbors right across the way from us have the most beutifula and welcoming family. Their daughter, Gloria, is so beautiful it makes my heart hurt! Okay!
The family we are living with. They all four got on the new bike. I'm very surprised they are still alive. |
This is another picture of the family we live with. father and his three sons. They are teaching me what it means to live a life of sacrifice, and what it is to live AS ONE.
From the hands of our sisters, a meal of many meals. |
Sitting around this meal, with my white and "yellow" friends side by side, I was knowing deeply of gratitude. To simply share a meal, and life with others, is the best gift I know.
Praise God, the Creator, Redeemer and Giver of LIFE.
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